Portland Doula Co.
Guiding You Through Every Phase with Compassionate, Informed, and Empowering Support

Jess Fairclough
RYT 200, Doula, Reiki II
Childbirth Education, Labor & Delivery, Postpartum, Lactation, Yoga

Sarah Geores
RYT 200, Doula
Labor & Delivery, Postpartum, Yoga
Jess is the owner of Portland Doula Co. She fell in love with birth work in 1998 when she attended her first birth. She is a birth and postpartum doula, a yoga teacher, and a Reiki practitioner. Jess received her doula training through DONA, ProDoula, and Whole Body Pregnancy and has taken many additional workshops on topics such as Racism in Birth Work, How Trauma Impacts the Pregnant Body, and Advanced Breastfeeding.
Jess has experience supporting various births in hospital settings. She is also experienced in postpartum care and supporting parents with multiples.
She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from USM in Communication and is a Registered Yoga Teacher who is certified in Trauma Sensitive Yoga and prenatal yoga. She is also about to complete her Reiki Master training.
Jess lives in Portland with her two children. She is a healer, an activist, and a constant learner.
Sarah became passionate about birth and postpartum care after the birth of her daughter in 2016. During her pregnancy with her son in 2019 her passion for yoga blossomed.
In 2020 she became a Yoga Alliance registered yoga teacher. That same year Sarah also enrolled in a prenatal & postpartum yoga training. She became a doula the following year through the Birthing Gently Doulas training program.
Sarah is also a kids yoga instructor and a trained postpartum group facilitator. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Art History from Goucher College.
Sarah is passionate about honest, gentle, straightforward care for people and their families throughout the prenatal and postpartum experience.
We Draw Our Experience From:
Whole Body Pregnancy
Spinning Babies​
Institute for Birth, and Death
Shiva Shakti Yoga School for prenatal yoga
Re+Birth Equity Alliance
Combined 20+ years of experience serving birthing people and families
We believe:
All Bodies Birth: Birthing bodies come in all gender identities, races, ages, and abilities. We believe in Health at Every Size.
All Pregnancy Outcomes Should be Valued: Regardless of the outcome; we value your pregnancy journey. We support abortions, reductions, miscarriage, adoption, surrogacy, etc.
Black Lives Matter: Birth outcomes for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) as well as other marginalized people are substantially worse than white birthing people. We want to raise awareness and support black birthers as well as amplify the work of black birth workers. We want to make doula care more accessible and relevant to BIPOC birthers.
Postpartum is Forever: We believe parenthood changes us forever, not just the six weeks after a pregnancy has ended. Whether pregnancy has ended due to giving birth, still birth, pregnancy loss, or abortion, we are changed. We honor this sacred transition.
We are committed to:
Continuing to educate ourselves about the impact of white supremacy, structural inequity, and implicit bias
Creating a scholarship fund to make doula care more accessible to all communities
Support BIPOC-led organizations by investing. training dollars with BIPOC instructors
Listen, show up, be imperfect, take feedback, take accountability